Δημοψήφισμα στην Καταλονία : Επιθέσεις της αστυνομίας στα εκλογικά τμήματα

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38 τραυματίες από πλαστικές σφαίρες μέχρι σστιγμής 

15m15 minutes ago

The answer to the violence of Spanish gov. is waiting peacefully to vote and express democratically.

Ουρές μπροστά στα εκλογικά τμήματα

Ενθουσιασμένα όργανα της τάξης με την ομαλή διεξαγωγή της εκλογικής διαδικασίας παίρνουν τις κάλπες για ενθύμιο

Παρ’όλα αυτά οι Καταλανοί δεν το βάζουν κάτω 

Rough images coming through from but fact is 73% of polling stations are operating without incident due to these heroes.

Πυροσβέστες προστατεύουν τα εκλογικά τμήματα από τις επιθέσεις της διαβόητης Γκουάρντια Σιβίλ.
To 73% των εκλογικών τμημάτων λειτουργεί 

Referendum in Catalonia, not War

Not so long ago the international public was being led to interpret the current Catalan conflict as a nationalist one connected to the most disastrous past in the history of twentieth-century Europe. The ghosts of past wars blurred the vision as to what was really at stake. The events of these last days have begun to dismantle this interpretative framework. They urge us to revise the dominant superficial interpretation which may have caused the troubling reticence of much of the international public to consider this case nothing more than a localized, domestic affair. What has become clear in the past few days, irrespective of the positions for or against the independence of Catalonia, is the tension between the authoritarian inertia of a certain understanding of state power, on the one hand and on the other – the existence of precarious but determined attempts to build political strategies oriented towards the normative horizon of our democracies.

Over the last years, the majority of Catalan society (60% according to the last 2015 elections; roughly 80% according to official surveys) has repeatedly expressed the will to decide democratically its own political status. Faced with this demand, the Spanish state, which can by no means be seen as either embodying or expressing the diverse sensibilities and political aspirations of Spanish society as a whole, has systemically neglected its political obligations.

1. The Spanish state has rejected all attempts at negotiations for holding a legal and mutually agreed upon referendum on self-determination, thus denying the depth of the conflict in Catalonia. Moreover, the same state now condemns this referendum for not being reliable or legally binding, but they have consistently opposed the possibility of providing the legal framework to make it so.

2. Despite the parliamentary impossibility of legally declaring a state of exception, as outlined in the Spanish Constitution of 1978, the Spanish executive power has undermined the rule of law by applying de facto measures fully consistent with a state of exception in order to prevent the October 1 referendum convened by the Parliament of Catalonia. This has effectively turned the Spanish state into what some contemporary thinkers have labelled a rogue or authoritarian state:
  • The right of assembly and demonstration has been limited both in Catalonia and in Spain and civil organizations are prosecuted for sedition.
  • Public officials and senior elected officials have been arrested for coordinating the logistics of the referendum.
  • More than 700 mayors, out of 948 in total, have been summoned to trial that can result in their disqualification for the exercise of public office.
  • The media have been registered by the police to limit the right to a free press whereas journalists and intellectuals are threatened by the Spanish state for having informed the public about the referendum.
  • Parliamentary political parties such as the CUP (Popular Unity Candidacy) are under police surveillance.
  • Voting materials (ballots, electoral information, etc.) have been confiscated and premises of private companies have been searched without judicial order.
  • Public access to websites related to the referendum is censored.
  • Freedom of political opinion and communication has been violated systematically and gravely.
The overcoming of the rule of law by the state power contradicts the founding principles of a democratic constitutional European state, which is the outcome of two processes: first, the fulfillment of the democratic aspirations of modern European societies and second, ending arbitrary state actions.

For all these reasons, we call on our fellow citizens in other countries to condemn the authoritarian logic and actions that are being mobilized in Catalonia at this moment. In particular, we urge our European neighbors to speak up in favor of holding a referendum in Catalonia to be both a concrete instrument to overcome the authoritarian logic that has so often destroyed the lives of modern political societies and, from a European perspective, a way to move towards a post-national political culture in which conflicts of this sort can be decided through non-violent procedures. 


1 Abat Ninet Antoni Law University of Copenhagen Denmark
2 Alberio Marco Sociologist Université du Québec Québec
3 Amoroso Daniele International Law Università degli Studi di Cagliari Italy
4 Bacci Claudia Sociologist Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
5 Balibar Étienne Philosopher Université Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La-Défense France
6 Balibrea Mari Cultural and Language Studies University of London UK
7 Bégout Bruce Philosopher Université Bordeaux III France
8 Bekeris Eugenia Artist
9 Belo Fernando Philosopher Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa Portugal
10 Benarroch Jerôme Poet & Photographer Institut Universitaire Elie Wiesel France
11 Benhabib Seyla Philosopher Yale University US
12 Bermúdez Silvia Iberian Studies University of California-Santa Barbara US
13 Bertomeus Sara Architecture University of Illinois US
14 Bertran-Xirau Lluís Musicology Université de Poitiers France
15 Blokker Paul Sociology Charles University Prague Czech Republic
16 Blusseau Anne-Laure Editor and Translator Le Collectif et associés France
17 Bognar Botond Architecture University of Illinois US
18 Bollack Emmanuelle Artist
19 Bomheker Mario Filmmaker
20 Bookchin Natalie Artist Rutgers University US
21 Bou Enric Cultural and Language Studies Università Ca’ Foscari Italy
22 Braunstein Néstor Psychoanalyst
23 Brown Wendy Political Theorist University of California Berkeley US
24 Brubaker Rogers Sociologist UCLA Los Angeles US
25 Bullock Robert Writer
26 Bullot Érik Artist ENSA Bourges France
27 Cahloun Craig Sociologist President of the Berggruen Institute US
28 Cantinho Maria Philosopher Universidade Clássica de Lisboa Portugal
29 Capdevila Carlos Rubén Journalist
30 Carbonell Adrià
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
31 Castan Pinos Jaume Political Science University of Southern Denmark Denmark
32 Castro Algusto Philosopher Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru Peru
33 Cataldi Pietro Literature Rettore dell’Università per Stranieri di Siena Italy
34 Celikates Robin Philosopher University of Amsterdam Germany
35 Centeno Yvette Poet & Essayist
36 Chaparro Amaya Adolfo Philosopher Universidad del Rosario Colombia
37 Ciriza Alejandra Historian Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Argentina
38 Colazzo Salvatore Pedagogy Universitá de Salento Italy
39 Correia Adriano Philosopher Universidade Federal de Goiás Brazil
40 Cortés Alexis Sociologist Universidad Alberto Hurtado Chile
41 de Sousa Santos Boaventura Social Sciences Universidade de Coimbra Portugal
42 Delanty Gerard Sociologist Sussex University UK
43 Delgado Elena Literary Theory University of Illinois US
44 della Porta Donnatella Sociology and Political Sciences Scuola Normale Superiore Firenze Italy
45 Di Tullio Anabella Philosopher Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
46 Diani Mario Sociologist University of Trento Italy
47 Dlamini Jacob Historian Princeton South Africa
48 Dominijanni Ida Journalist/Independent Scholar
49 Doughney James Economist Victoria University Australia
50 Elalouf Clara Filmmaker
51 Epps Brad Modern Languages University of Cambridge UK
52 Fassin Eric Political Theorist Université Paris VIII France
53 Faver Hector Filmmaker
54 Fedi Beatrice Literature Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Italy
55 Feldman Sharon Iberian Studies University of Richmond US
56 Ferraiuolo​ Gennaro Law Università di Napoli Federico II Italy
57 Ferroni Matteo Artist
58 Fischer Hervé Artist
59 Forcini Marisa Philosopher Università del Salento Italy
60 Fornari Maria Philosopher Università del Salento Italy
61 Forti Simona Philosopher Università del Piemonte Orientale Italy
62 Fraisse Geneviève Philosopher directrice de recherche émérite CNRS France
63 Friis Hau Mark European Studies Aarhus University Denmkark
64 Gabilondo Joseba Romance and Classical Studies Michigan State University US
65 Gagnon Alain-G. Political Theorist Université du Québec Québec
66 Gallant Nicole Sociology INRS Centre Urbanisation Culture Société France
67 Glick Thomas Historian Boston University US
68 Godmilow Jill Filmmaker
69 Gómez Patricia Gender and Feminist Studies Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
70 Gondicas Myrto Poet & Translator
71 Greenberg Michael Writer
72 Greenfeld Liah Sociology, Political Science, and Anthropology Boston University US
73 Gregoratto Federica Philosopher University of St. Gallen Switzerland
74 Grossman Évelyne Philosopher Université Paris VII France
75 Grueso Delfín Philosopher Universidad del Valle Colombia
76 Guaraldo Olivia Philosopher  Università di Verona Italy
77 Handelman Marc Arts Rutgers University US
78 Hardt Michael Political Theorist Duke University US
79 Harrington Thomas Hispanic Studies Trinity College Hartford US
80 Haug Wolfgang Philosopher Free University Berlin Germany
81 Higginbottom Andrew Political Economist Kingston University UK
82 Howard Dick Philosopher Stony Brook University US
83 Hroch Miroslav Historian Charles University Prague Czech Republic
84 Hutchinson John Historian and Sociologist London School of Economics UK
85 Ichijo Atsuko Sociologist Kingston University Japan
86 Illas Edgar Critical Studies Indiana University US
87 Ivekovic Rada Philosopher University Jean Monnet – St.Etienne Croatia
88 Jerez Farran Carlos Jerez Romance Languages University of Notre Dame US
89 Joaquim Teresa Anthropologist & Sociologist Universidade Aberta Portugal
90 Jugnon Alain Philosopher Lycée La Prat’s de Cluny France
91 Kaufmann Eric Polical Theory University of London UK
92 Kellerer Sidonie Philosopher Universität zu Köln Germany
93 Keown Dominic Modern and Medieval Languages University of Cambridge UK
94 Khomyakov Maxim Philosopher Ural Federal University Russia
95 Krauel Javier Iberian Studies University of Colorado Boulder US
96 Lagomarsini Claudio Philology Università di Siena Italy
97 Laks André Hellenist Universidad Panamericana France
98 Lanutti Maria Musicology Università di Pavia Italy
99 Larios Jordi Modern Languages University of St Andrews Scotland
100 Larrea Ana Maria Philosopher Faculdad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Ecuador
101 Laurenzi Elena Philosopher Università de Salento Italy
102 Lazzarato Maurizio Sociologist and Philosopher Université Pantheon-Sorbonne Italy
103 Lecis Luca Historian University of Cagliari Italy
104 Lefèvre Sylvie Literature Université Paris-Sorbonne France
105 Leibovici Martine Philosopher Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 France
106 Leonardi Lino Literature Istituto CNR Opera del Vocabolario Italiano Italy
107 Levi Giovanni Historian Università Ca’ Foscari Italy
108 Liakos Antonis Historian University of Athens Greece
109 Lunati Montserrat Modern Languages  University of St Andrews Scotland
110 Malabou Catherine Philosopher Kingston University France
111 Mayer Foulkes Benjamín Psychoanalyst Instituto de Estudios Criticos Mexico
112 Menon Dilip Indian Studies University of the Witwatersrand South Africa
113 Mezzadra Sandro Political Theorist Western Sidney University Italy
114 Mills Charles W. Political Theorist City University of New York US
115 Miorelli Romina Latin American Studies University of Westminster UK
116 Mota Aurea Sociologist FP/Clacso Brazil
117 Mouzakitis Angelos Political Theorist Crete University Greece
118 Moverman Oren Filmmaker
119 Nassif Jacques Psychoanalyst
120 Nedimovic Svjetlana Philosopher Mirovna Akademija Bosnia
121 Negri Antonio Sociologist & Philosopher
122 Neyrat Frédéric Philosopher University of Wisconsin-Madison US
123 Nossiter Jonathan Filmmaker
124 Olviedo Alvaro Anthropologist Universidad Javeriana Colombia
125 Ossman Sussan Anthropologist University of California Riverside US
126 Oxley Lisa Arts University of California US
127 Oyarzun Pablo Philosopher Universidad de Chile Chile
128 Porcel Beatriz Philosopher Universidad de Rosario Argentina
129 Quintyn Olivier Philosopher
130 Rabinovich Silvana Philosopher UNAM Mexico
131 Ramon Resina Joan Iberian Studies Stanford University US
132 Reeves Eoin Economist University of Limerick Ireland
133 Rei-Doval Gabriel Iberian Studies University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee US
134 Rigobon Patrizio Literature Università Ca’ Foscari Italy
135 Rodriguez Eunice Health Studies Stanford University US
136 Romano-Sued Susana Essayist and Poet
137 Ross Duncan Social Scientist University of Glasgow Scotland
138 Rueda Eduardo Social Scientist Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Colombia
139 Saetta Cottone Rossella Hellenist CNRS – Univ. Paris-Sorbonne Italy
140 Safatle Vladimir Philosopher Universidade de São Paulo Brazil
141 Sahlins Peter Historian Berkeley University US
142 Salles Walter Filmmaker
143 Santana Mario Literature University of Chicago US
144 Santos Gonçalo Philosopher Universidade de Lisboa Portugal
145 Särkelä Arvi Philosopher University of Luzern Switzerland
146 Segré Ivan Philosopher
147 Silva Manuel Musicology Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal
148 Sirczuk Matías Philosopher Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
149 Smit Tanja Artist
150 Song Rosi Cultural and Language Studies Bryn Mawr College US
151 Stegmann Tilbert Literature Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Germany
152 Stimilli Elettra Philosopher Università di Roma La Sapienza Italy
153 Strong Tracy Philosopher UCSD Distinguished Professor US
154 Szendy Peter Philosopher Brown University France
155 Szentpéteri Márton Intellectual historian Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Hungary
156 Tejel Jordi Historian University of Neuchâtel Switzerland
157 Todd Jennifer Political Scientist University College Dublin Ireland
158 Traverso Enzo Historian Cornell University Italy
159 Ventura Simone Philology King’s College London Italy
160 Venza Claudio Historian Università di Trieste Italy
161 Vilarós-Soler Teresa Iberian Studies Texas A&M University US
162 Villaviciencio Susana Philosopher Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
163 Wilson Roderick History and Cultural Studies University of Illinois US
164 Wögerbauer Werner German Studies Université de Nantes France
165 Wolin Richard Historian & Political Philosopher CUNY US
166 Zamboni Chiara Philosopher University of Verona Italy
167 Zelik Raul Political Theorist Universität Kassel Germany
168 Zengotitabengoa Beatriz Art historian University of Michigan US
169 Zerilli Linda Political Theorist University of Chicago US
170 Zertal Idith Political Theorist Université de Basel Israel
171 Zinelli Fabio Literature  Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes France
172 Zurn Christopher Philosopher University of Massachusetts US

1 Aiestaran Ignazio Philosopher University of the Basque Country Donostia-San Sebastián
2 Alberni Anna Literary Studies Universitat de Barcelona
3 Armanini Stefano Photographer
4 Artigas Jordi Musician

5 Balcells Gerard Glass Artist

6 Berlinguer Marco Political Theorist Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
7 Birulés Fina Philosophy Universitat de Barcelona
8 Bohigas Maria Editor

9 Bussières Sylvie Visual Artist
10 Canal Sandra Journalist

11 Cantarella Laura Researcher and Photographer
12 Casale Roger Founder of New Europeans and former MP for Wimbledon
13 Casas Prat Mercè Environmental sciences Environment and Climate Change Canada
14 Casassas David Sociologist Universitat de Barcelona
15 Dardik Alejandro Editor

16 Dean Mary Jean Artist
17 Diez Filipe Professor & Researcher Ensino Médio na Galiza/Universidade do Minho Portugal
18 Díez Xavier Historian Universitat Ramon Llull
19 Dobau Antón Writer

20 Eguía Lis Alejandro Professor Instituto Universitario Kukulcan Mexico
21 Elias Marina Sociologist Universitat de Barcelona
22 Errasti Lopez Ander Political Philosopher Globernance: Institute of Democratic Governance Donostia-San Sebastián
23 Feher Michel Philosopher Zone Books / Cette France-là
24 Ferrer Cristian Historian Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
25 Ferrés Miquel Musician and Translator

26 Flaquer Lluís Sociologist Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
27 Foguet i Boreu Francesc Philosophy Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
28 Font Laura Secondary History Teacher

29 Fontcuberta Joan Visual Artist

30 Fuster Mayo Activist & Social Researcher Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
31 Fuster Peiró À. Lorena Philosophy Universitat de Barcelona
32 Gallardo Laurent Iberian Studies Université Grenoble Alpes France
33 Garcés Marina Philosopher Universidad de Zaragoza
34 García Nogueroles Juan High School Teacher Generarlitat de Catalunya
35 Georgiev Iliyan Economist University of Bologna Italy
36 González Juan Carlos Philosopher UAB UB UNED
37 Gonzàlez Collantes Carla Journalist

38 González Fernández Helena Galician and Portuguese Studies Universitat de Barcelona
39 Guillamet Francesc Photographer

40 Guillumet Jordi

41 Jané Oscar Historian Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
42 Jiménez Torregrosa Lorena Pedagogy Universitat de Barcelona
43 Jujol Anabel Arts

44 Kremser Stefanie Writer
45 Laín Bru Sociology Universitat de Barcelona
46 Ledo Andión Margarita Writer and Journalist

47 Llum Vidal Blanca Poet

48 López Miguel Chief Curator TEOR/éTica Costa Rica
49 Madaula Aurora Historian Universitat de Barcelona
50 Martí-Jufresa Antoni Musician and Translator

51 Martí-Jufresa Felip Philosophy École Beaux Arts Toulouse
52 Marzo Jorge Art Historian BAU College of Design
53 Masó Joana Critical Literary Studies Universitat de Barcelona
54 Miras Boronat Núria Sara Philosopher Universitat de Barcelona
55 Moncusí Albert Sociologist Universitat de València
56 Muñoz Jordi Political Theorist Universitat de Barcelona
57 Muñoz Gustau Editor Universitat de Barcelona
58 Olmos Vicent Editor Afers Editorial
59 Paez Roger Architect and Researcher

60 Paez Eze Philosopher University of Minho / Pompeu Fabra University
61 Pagani Samuela Arab Language & Literature Università del Salento Italy
62 Palouzie

63 Paluzie Elisenda Economist Universitat de Barcelona
64 Pigem Jordi Philosopher
65 Poch Julia Cultural Studies

66 Pons Arnau Translator & Poet

67 Portabella Clotet David Engineer EPFL Switzerland
68 Pujol Enric Historian Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
69 Raventós Daniel Sociologist Universitat de Barcelona
70 Recasens Josefina Sociologist Universitat de Barcelona
71 Ribó Ignasi Semiotics & Literary Theory Mae Fah Luang University
72 Rivas Manuel Writer and Journalist

73 Romero Lourdes Historian UNAM Mexico
74 Rosado Pilar Artist & Researcher Universitat de Barcelona
75 Rosich Gerard Musician and Philosopher Universitat de Barcelona
76 Roumier Théo Labour Unionist

77 Salaberria Ibon Architect University of the Basque Country
78 Salellas Bosch Alfons Philosopher
79 Sanjaume Marc

80 Santana Sandra Philosopher Universidad de Barcelona
81 Scandurra Rosario Political Science Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
82 Segarra Marta Critical Literary Studies CNRS
83 Serrano Just Political Theorist Institute for Social Research
84 Silber Stefan Theologist
85 Smit Tanja Artist
86 Straehle Edgar Philosopher and Historian Universitat de Barcelona
87 Taibo Carlos Political Theorist Universidad Autònoma de Madrid Spain
88 Torrent Lola

89 Trzaskalik Tim Translator
90 Ulibarri Sergio Receptionist and Cashier CMI
91 Vega Cristian Musician and Philosopher

92 Velasco Alberto Art Historian Universitat de Lleida